Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Green movement needs a different approach to appeal beyond the usual audience | Ben West | Environment |
What if the biggest obstacle to solving climate change was the environmental movement itself?

You know what I'm talking about- the yearly cycle of petitions and celebrity endorsements, the "big" campaigns that only those of us in the world of campaigning ever hear about, and "humorous" stunts where only the organisers understand the joke. Solving climate change? Sometimes it feels more like being part of a stamp collecting club.
Michelle Malkin » This Week’s Al Gore Award for Superior Enviro-Hypocrisy Goes To…
… Nevada Senator Harry Reid:
Cotton Extends Rally to 15-Year High as Cold Weather Threatens China Crop - Bloomberg
Cotton advanced for a fourth day, extending a rally to the highest price in more than 15 years as cold weather threatens the crop in China, the world’s largest user, boosting import demand and tightening global supplies.
Women More Likely to Accept the "Truth" About Global Warming - Softpedia
The ClimateGate scandal was an attempt to divert attention from the issues at hand, and a pathetic one at that. Undoubtedly, many will use it as an “argument” for rebutting global warming for many years to come, but those who have looked at the evidence will recognize the deception immediately.

As the recent study demonstrates, women are more adept at doing so than men are. This could be owed to the fact that males are generally more stubborn, and a lot less likely to change their opinions.

This reluctance in the face of change happens even if they are presented with overwhelming evidence that refutes their claims.

Otherwise, there is no explanation why some cling on to one or two studies claiming that climate change isn't happening, in the face of literally hundreds which show that it is real.

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