Friday, September 03, 2010

How long before Joe Romm deletes this claim?: He actually suggests that 45.5 degrees F. is a "great" temperature for a swim

Hey Joe: I challenge you to spend one hour swimming in 45.5 F. water, then let us know how "great" the experience was.

Captain’s log from the Chukchi Sea: “The water temperature is 7.5 degrees. If we weren’t sailing, it would be a great temperature for a swim!” « Climate Progress
He notes in an update,”The water temperature is 7.5 degrees. If we weren’t sailing, it would be a great temperature for a swim!” [He means degrees Celsius, of course.]
Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion calculator
Answer: 7.5 ºC = 45.5 ºF
Swimming Pool Water Temperatures
Even for the most adventurous swimmers, 65° F is unbearably cold.
Cold Water Survival
40–50° F (4–10° C)  [Exhaustion or Unconsciousness in] 30–60 minutes
[Expected Survival Time]  1–3 hours

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