Tuesday, September 14, 2010

An Interesting View of Temperatures « Musings from the Chiefio
My take on all this is that if we’ve managed to side step a new Ice Age Glaciation, that’s all for the good. If we’ve managed to move ourselves from a Little Ice Age to an Optimum, that’s all for the good. And if it takes 150 years to find out, well, I’m fine with that. Call me in 100 years and we’ll see if we need to do something about the climate then…
Climate change is inevitable, says Caroline Spelman - Telegraph
...environmental groups are nervous about the change in direction. They fear that the move away from tackling climate change is motivated by spending cuts rather than saving the planet.

They also point out that no new money is being offered to help companies or the public sector adapt to climate change, preferring to leave it to ‘the Big Society’ and forward thinking businesses to come up with the cash.
The Algore Uncertainty Principle, by AUTHOR-NAME
The fact that the fatuous former United States Vice President Albert Gore could actually be given a Nobel Prize (not to mention an Academy Award) for furthering the global warming hoax would be almost terminally repulsive and depressing—if it weren't also morbidly funny.

In my 1983 novel The Nagasaki Vector, I predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union. One way I knew the culture was doomed was that, for purposes of "security", its scientists weren't free to communicate with one another in their own country, but had to attend international conferences just in order to learn what their own colleagues were up to. The effect of political correctness on science is every bit as harmful.  [Via Greenie Watch]

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