Wednesday, September 01, 2010

A judge puts a damper on Mr. Cuccinelli's U-Va. witch hunt -
EARLY THIS YEAR, climate-change skeptics went on the attack, pointing to two molehills of scandal that they claimed were towering peaks of scientific malfeasance.
So the overblown critique of climate science that emerged early this year continues to underwhelm. But that hasn't dampened Mr. Cuccinelli's zeal, at least so far; he announced Monday that he would keep after Mr. Mann and redraft his demands on the university, thereby extending his assault on academic freedom. We hope he rethinks his course. At this point all he can do is waste more taxpayer money, force the university to waste more of its money and embarrass Virginia in a way that can only harm its higher education system.
How GM Will Use Fear To Sell You A Chevy Volt
General Motors has asked for a U.S. trademark on the phrase "range anxiety," for the purpose of "promoting public awareness of electric vehicle capabilities." Get ready for GM to question whether you can trust your family in an all-electric car.
PhysOrg Mobile: Global warming could spell disaster for corn crops
Each scenario led to the same conclusion: a decrease in corn production if the fertilizing impact of CO2 isn't taken into account. The least devastating outcome is in the hot and dry scenario, which predicts a 1.3 percent decrease in production.

The problem, stresses Delusca, are cultivars. “A dozen cultivars used in Quebec alone are replaced every four to five years. Several others exist for hotter climates, which are used in the southern United States.”

Delusca used the same scenarios with other cultivars that would benefit production. “In that case, projections of an increase of up to 52 percent are possible if we take the fertilizing impact of CO2 into account,” says Delusca. “But the harvest would come later in the year.”
The Volokh Conspiracy » A Lomborg About-Face on Warming?
Perhaps what’s really changed is not Lomborg’s perspective, but the degree to which commentators actually pay attention to what he writes.
Ohio Tea Party survey to candidates: “The regulation of Carbon Dioxide in our atmosphere should be left to God and not government and I oppose all measures of Cap and Trade as well as the teaching of global warming theory in our schools.” « Climate Progress
One merely need replace “carbon dioxide” with, say “toxic air pollutants” to see how absurd and self-contradictory the statement is. Or one could replace “Carbon Dioxide in our atmosphere” with, say, “crime” — that’s what the 10 Commandments are therefore, no? But that all does assume these folks are open to even a modicum of logic.
Audubon Magazine
Choosing cremation, the choice of one-third of the Americans who die each year, may save space in graveyards, but it isn’t particularly green either. As Harris explains in Grave Matters, cremation releases carbon dioxide—our final contribution to global climate change: about 350 pounds per cremation, according to an Australian study—soot particles, sulfur dioxide, and trace metals, including mercury from dental fillings.

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