Sunday, September 19, 2010

New report says that ozone layer is no longer decreasing
The springtime hole over the Antarctic however is not projected to recover until much later which may or may not be a good thing according to research from University of Leeds which suggests the hole may be preventing further warming. Here UV levels remain high and the effect on surface climate is becoming evident, leading to important changes in surface temperature and wind patterns. At mid-latitudes, surface UV has remained fairly constant over the past decade.
The report stressed that climate change will continue to affect the ozone layer despite efforts because of continued emissions of long-lived greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide, associated with human activities.
Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog: More on the "Iron Law" of Climate Policy
In The Climate Fix, I discuss an empirical reality that I summarize as the "iron law" of climate policy. The "iron law" simply states that while people are often willing to pay some price for achieving environmental objectives, that willingness has its limits. Such limits may fall at different thresholds for different places at at different times. The iron law seems so common sense that I am always surprised when I hear objections to it.
Arctic Sea Ice Has Grown Since September 1
The thickness is much greater today, and we could even say the volume is likely more. Arctic temperatures above 80°N have been colder this summer and September. The ice will rebound, of course. I already projected a 5.75 million sq km min. for 2011 a couple weeks back.
C3: Climate Disruption: Cyclone Fatalities Were Larger Prior To Global Warming of Last Two Decades
Over the past week, the Obama administration has introduced the new terminology of "climate disruption" in order to advance the necessary fear-mongering that elites of big government and big business plan to literally prosper from. Much like the war armament merchants of decades past, who hyped the potential of war in order to sell more arms, the merchants of "evil" global warming do the same.

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