Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Now all GOP Senate candidates deny global warming | Grist
Brad Johnson noted earlier this week that all but one of the Republican candidates for U.S. Senate "dispute the scientific consensus that the United States must act to fight global warming pollution." Now, that lone climate realist -- Delaware Rep. Mike Castle -- has been knocked out. So make that all GOP candidates for U.S. Senate deny the need for climate action.

Tea Party upstart Christine O'Donnell, who took out Castle to become the Republican nominee for Senate in Delaware, is right in line with her GOP colleagues on the climate issue. She has attacked climate legislation as a "cap and tax energy scheme which would kill 6,117 Delaware jobs." Sarah Palin, who endorsed O'Donnell and deemed her a "mama grizzly," noted approvingly that the candidate is "against Obama's cap-and-tax scheme."
Flashback: Compelling video: Angry voters confront Congressman who voted for cap and trade swindle
At the 4:12 mark, a speaker says that he hopes Castle loses his Congressional seat over his support of cap and trade, and the crowd cheers. Castle smiles briefly, then his face grows grim.

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