Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Peru: Global warming blamed for coldest winter in 50 years

From the lab to the field: How does climate science play out in reality? | John Vidal | Global development | guardian.co.uk

Peru is going through its coldest winter in 50 years and hundreds of people and thousands of animals have already died of hypothermia as temperatures have fallen to record -23C lows in the mountain villages. But while this year's cold has been put down to a periodic La Niña phenomenom, scientists here are convinced the bigger picture in the Andes is of progressive climate change.

Retreating glaciers, wild fluctuations of temperatures, unseasonal weather patterns, unpredictable frosts and extreme weather events are all consistent with climate change models.


Anonymous said...

The wonderful thing about Anthropogenic Global Warming is it leaves a legacy of ice and snow everywhere it goes.

And where it doesn't go? Well there's lots of ice and snow there too!

Anonymous said...

"Retreating glaciers, wild fluctuations of temperatures, unseasonal weather patterns, unpredictable frosts and extreme weather events are all consistent with climate change models."

LOL! What a joke! When Einstein was searching for a grand unified theory that would explain everything in the universe he obviously should have looked to climatologists for the answers.

In truth, of course, the CAGWists' computer models have never predicted any of these weather events. But, just like that other non-science (because it is also unfalsifiable), psychoanalysis, CAGWists always have post hoc rationalizations for why their predictions fail. The fact that the CAGWists recently changed from talking about "global warming" to "climate change" (because it made it easier to claim that unusual cold is as much to do with CO2 as unusual warmth) is simply more evidence of their boundless charlatanry.