Sunday, September 12, 2010

Politicians Dressed in Lab Coats « NoFrakkingConsensus
Personally, I’ve had it up to here with scientists who sneak their political views into the conversation beneath their lab coats. We need clarity about where an individual’s scientific expertise begins and ends. Scientists owe us professional, circumspect information – not political opinions masquerading as scientific fact.
C3: UN Climate Bimbo Claims "Global Warming" Raining Death & Destruction On World - She's Wrong
If the new chief climate bimbo claims that global warming is causing significant increases in fatalities from severe weather events, then she better have some evidence to back it up. Unfortunately, that's not the case. As we have learned from the UN's IPCC and the Climategate scientists, misinforming and/or lying are of second nature it would appear.

As the chart depicts below, the death toll over the last two decades, from severe weather floods, landslides and mudslide events, has diminished considerably versus earlier periods. The bigger death tolls from global warming that UN officials continuously lie about just don't exist.
Who Recommended Oxburgh? « Climate Audit
This is not to say that the Royal Society would have registered concerns over whether Oxburgh’s chairmanship of a subsidy-seeking UK wind utility was, as Oxburgh himself worried, a relevant conflict of interest or whether the UK government should have asked this particular favor from the chairman of a subsidy-seeking wind utility. The Royal Society rubber-stamped everything else with no apparent due diligence, so there’s no reason to believe that they would have had any scruples about Oxburgh’s appointment.

The point is the narrow one – that it appears to me that the Royal Society didn’t actually “recommend” Oxburgh, as the University had stated in their press release – a press release in which the University pointedly didn’t thank or acknowledge the UK government for their help in selecting Oxburgh as chairman even though Beddington made a real contribution.

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