Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Professor Terrie Williams thinks you're stupid: CO2 is allegedly overheating the Arctic so much that narwhals can't find open water for breathing?!

BBC - Earth News - Climate change threatens slow swimming narwhals
In fact, Prof William's study reveals that narwhals swim so slowly that they can only cover a distance of around 1.4km in any direction before they run out of oxygen, despite their endurance capability.

So to survive, they need to be able to find a break in the ice at least every 1.4km.

"The big surprise is how little of the Arctic waters narwhals can use due to the limitation of breathing," says Prof Williams.

Worse, climate change will reduce the amount of suitable ocean, further endangering the species.

"Warmer temperatures are creating more icebergs and larger floes," says Prof Williams.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, there have clearly been more icebergs in the Arctic, no wonder their numbers are decreasing. We should also, it follows, expect more Titanic-type iceberg accidents - why no warning to the shipping agents of their increased risks? Perhaps because there isn't any???