Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog: It is Not About Science, but Values
A really interesting new study is published this week in the Journal of Risk Research that seeks to explain why it is that on highly politicized issues the public does not uniformly defer to the views of scientific experts, even when those experts are largely in consensus. The answer is not that one group in society is "anti-science," but rather that people tend to weight evidence and experts differently based on cultural considerations. This is a line of argument that I and various colleagues (such as Dan Sarewitz, Mike Hulme, Steve Rayner and others) have advanced for a while, so it is exciting to see empirical evidence that back up these claims.
Global Warming Claims Another Victim | Real Science
While we can’t specifically blame this primary loss on global warming, we expect election losses to become more common for people who cling to expensive and useless policies.

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