Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Under pressure Salazar’s Interior Department lists African penquins for ESA - National environmental policy | Examiner.com
Commercial fisheries have forced penguins to feed on less nutritious prey and swim miles farther to find food, even as climate change and ocean warming are making the penguins’ prey more scarce. The birds live along the major global oil transport route, so spills oil them often.
By mid-century, if greenhouse gas emissions remain on their current trajectory, climate change will commit one-third of the entire world’s species to extinction.
June 2010: 500 rare African penguins killed by big freeze in South Africa
Johannesburg - Nearly 500 rare African penguins have died in the past 24 hours as a result of extremely cold weather in South Africa’s Eastern Cape province.
An AFP report quoted a national parks agency spokesperson, Megan Taplin, who said:

"The chicks, aged between a few weeks old and about two months old and covered only with down feathers, succumbed to the cold and wet weather which has hit Bird Island."

The report said the penguin population was already dwindling with only 700 breeding pairs left in the area.

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