Thursday, September 30, 2010

Washington Post Poll | Real Science
Despite the largest government propaganda campaign since the fall of the Soviet Union, most people still think global climate/warming/weirding/disruption is a don’t care.

Fortunately, the Internet has allowed many people to bypass the useful idiots in the press this time. Perhaps the Internet could have stop the Bolsheviks in 1916?
NASA At The Halfway Mark | Real Science
So far, the forecast +10ºC hot spot east of the Antarctic Peninsula has not warmed at all. In fact, their red hot southern hemisphere has barely warmed anywhere...

The NASA forecast is showing every sign of being a total bust. So why don’t they take it down and explain to the children that they got it wrong, and that they are very sorry for scaring them needlessly.
American Thinker: Nightmare on Green Street
Going green requires a long substantial reduction in the average standard of living for Americans.
Royal Society Bows To Climate Change Sceptics
Britain’s leading scientific institution has been forced to rewrite its guide to climate change and admit that there is greater uncertainty about future temperature increases than it had previously suggested.
Guardian Logic | Real Science
The Guardian regularly tells us that a change of 0.0001 CO2 concentration in the Earth’s atmosphere will make the planet uninhabitable.
I get it now. Earth is incredibly sensitive to minute changes in atmospheric CO2, but no worries – you could live on an alien world, 3X the size of earth, orbiting around a Red Giant, with an average temperature well below freezing, and where you would weigh 50% more than on earth.

Good clear headed thinking – as always.

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