Thursday, September 30, 2010

Greenhose effect vs. Gravity - guest post by Roy Clark
Gravity Rules Over Photons in the Greenhouse Effect:
Convection Controls the Energy Transfer through the Troposphere and Pressure Broadening Controls the LWIR Emission to Space
Extreme Weather, Extreme Claims | Watts Up With That?
These days we don’t blame witchcraft for the weather, instead we blame it on our emissions of carbon dioxide, describing it as a pollutant that must be controlled by Government taxes and vilifying anyone who dares to challenge the orthodoxy.

We ignore thousands of years of climate evidence, in favour of an agenda based upon a century and a half of sometimes distorted and often-disputed temperature records, coming out of a known Little Ice Age and we call it “Science”.

Have we really left the Dark Ages behind?
The Reference Frame: Royal Society abandons consensus on AGW
While I am convinced that the new guide still includes lots of bogus claims that are on steroids written by people who are on sedatives, it is an undeniable progress.
Google Invests in Bike Powered Pod Transport… Why? | Triple Pundit: People, Planet, Profit
Google recently invested a million dollars in a futuristic transportation system called Schweeb (possibly named for the sound it makes). Schweeb mixes a user-powered bicycle setup with the old-fashioned pneumatic tube pods- in this case, for people instead of interoffice mail. Users zip around a monorail as their energy spent pedaling is accelerated by the track. Despite testers’ giddy response to the New Zealand prototype, the technology raises a question: why should we care about Schweeb when we can’t even get a high-speed rail in place? Another way- considering how radically we need to rethink transportation to address climate change, is “cool” enough to justify investment?
Roundup: Do They Wonder Why We Don’t Take Them Seriously? : Part 1 | Real Science
“The reason so much (of the Arctic ice) went suddenly is that it is hitting a tipping point that we have been warning about for the past few years.” James Hansen, 2007

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