Saturday, October 16, 2010

Britain is growing greener at the expense of the rest of the world | Tony Juniper | Comment is free | The Observer
The impending extinction of tigers, the melting icecaps and the ravaging of the rainforests are symptoms of an emerging global crisis. A new World Wildlife Fund report out maps its scale and concludes that if we don't change course by 2030, we will need a second Earth to meet our needs.
Prop. 23: Avatar's James Cameron kicks in $1 million | Greenspace | Los Angeles Times
Cameron's donation comes as contributions from clean-tech executives, environmental groups and wealthy conservationists opposing Prop. 23 have surged to more than $20 million in the last month, outpacing the $9 million raised so far by the initiative's backers.
I AM Buddy, The BUDDHA From Mississippi ™: Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory Takes On New World Order
* The basic premise of the episode, via TruTV: “Whether global warming is real or not, some people may be using the issue to earn billions of dollars, start a one-world government and control people’s lives.”
* Even though he acknowledges that Al Gore could make billions from this ‘conspiracy,’ Ventura lets him off the hook over accusations that he’s “trying to control the world.” He’s too public, you see. Ventura: “I know Al Gore, I don’t think he’s out to do that. There’s got to be someone else behind this.”
* Climategate, which happened after the episode was filmed, is shoehorned in: “only a theory? Within days of Jesse’s meeting and his words about Watergate, the global warming conspiracy would explode into a scandal called ‘Climategate’ … [scientists] obscured, massaged, or destroyed inconvenient temperature data. And the evidence showed that they did it for the money. More panic equaled more funding.”
* Ventura’s conclusion: “I’m no scientist. The conspiracy theory here is a scare tactic to control people, make billions, even trillions in profit. Al Gore, you’ve been a real inspiration. But a lot of other people who preach the global warming gospel aren’t out to save the world: they’re out to run it.” Note that he doesn’t rule out the possibility that man-made global warming is real.
Why climate change isn't much of a campaign issue -
When an economy is in the tank, it’s a lot tougher to sell what may be expensive environmental solutions whose benefits aren't seen for decades to people worried about their job today.
PlanetSKI | News | It's snowing in The Alps
Snow is falling in many ski resorts and people are getting rather excited.

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