Friday, October 29, 2010

Climate phenomenon may grip Europe this winter | Reuters
Meteorologists say a negative NAO usually points to colder, calmer and drier winters in northern Europe and wetter, windier weather across the Iberian Peninsula and Italy as westerly winds from the Atlantic are pushed south.

The NAO has been negative since last autumn, pointing to a possible repeat of last year's winter with wind and hydro dampening Spanish gas demand, cold weather stoking UK gas use, and reduced German wind power lifting fossil fuel demand.
Last winter the NAO was at its strongest negative value since records began nearly 190 years ago, and Britain had its coldest winter since 1978 -- despite the general warming trend over the last few decades -- driving gas heating demand to record highs at the start of 2010.

Unusually cold, calm weather in northern Europe also meant that German wind farms produced much less than their potential, according to the German wind energy association.
Stephen Moyer Fears New Ice Age in 'Ice' Trailer
Another environmental disaster movie, "Ice", is coming out and a trailer is available for preview. It picks up a real issue of climate change that, in the movie, causes unimaginable devastation and panic worldwide as the human race finds itself contemplating the dawn of a new ice age.
Global warming skeptics support slavery « Sister Toldjah
So, let’s see. In recent years, those of us who are skeptical of climate change as anything other than a poorly understood series of natural cycles have been called “deniers,” a deliberate comparison to Holocaust denial; we’ve been labeled traitors to the planet; and it’s been suggested we be put on trial. I’m sure I’m forgetting something. Regardless, having resorted all these smear cards, why not deal the “slavery card,” too? It’s an easy way to delegitimize the skeptics, make one feel all warm and superior inside, and keeps Green Statists from having to deal with the actual science.
NYT: Hey, this professor makes a good point when he compares global warming skeptics to defenders of slavery! | Washington Examiner
I know, I know — environmentalists employ EXTREME rhetoric to shock Americans out of their complacency. Is it Thursday already? Anyway, you’re losing the global warming debate rather badly in the court of public opinion, so how can you win people over? I know! Let’s kill some kids. Wait, that didn’t work? Let’s try comparing global warming skeptics to proponents of slavery:
I don’t know what’s more offensive, the idea that skepticism of global warming is a moral injustice on par with slavery, or the fact that those people pushing global warming think of themselves in such incredibly self-righteous terms where they’re the ones saving humanity from itself. If Environmentalists wonder why their credibility is shot, perhaps they should stop with the doomsday propaganda and come up with a better solution to the global warming problem than making my monthly utility bills cost more than the gross national product of Burkina Faso.

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