Monday, October 25, 2010

Goodall monkeying with quest for truth
But I have to seriously question a comment made by the 76-year-old Goodall, the celebrated chimpanzee researcher, on her trip to Vancouver and Calgary last week.

"It's not helpful to have people disputing science," the jet-setting conservationist was quoted as saying about public doubts over such issues as evolution and global warming.

Not helpful to whom? Perhaps not to grant-hungry scientists, who believe their politically driven research should be swallowed whole like the Holy Grail. But to genuine knowledge-seekers, having people question what passes for the prevailing scientific wisdom is not only helpful, it's essential.
Energy Tribune- Breaking News! It’s Global Warming! No Wait it’s Cooling! No Wait…(Part 2)
Climate data show that starting in the mid-1940s the earth began a multi-decadal cooling trend. Around 1960 the Atlantic began to cool again. Now both oceans were in their cooler phase. The two oceans were working in tandem to chill the planet. It was not until later in the 1960s that the media began to really notice.

On November 15, 1969 Science News quoted meteorologist Dr. J. Murray Mitchell Jr. “How long the current cooling trend continues is one of the most important problems of our civilizations.” Where have we heard that before? Mitchell continued “If the cooling continues for another 200 to 300 years the earth could be plunged into an ice age.”
Crispin Tickell and TERI-Europe « Shub Niggurath Climate
On the website of Crispin Tickell, noted British diplomat and environmentalist, one notices a curious thing.
More Lies About CO2 | The Resilient Earth
A new paper, penned by a group of known warmist scare mongers, claims to have proof that CO2 is the control knob that regulates Earth’s temperature. Andrew A. Lacis, Gavin A. Schmidt, David Rind, and Reto A. Ruedy, all from NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, are boasting they have experimental proof that “carbon dioxide is the single most important climate-relevant greenhouse gas in Earth’s atmosphere.” Even though this climate alarmist cabal admits that H2O, in the form of water vapor and clouds, accounts for 75% of greenhouse warming, they still claim that that CO2 is king. Why? Because water's contributions are supposedly caused by feedbacks involving carbon dioxide. How have they proven that? By fiddling around with the same biased computer climate models that their other fictitious claims are based on.

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