Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Interview Transcript - President Obama - Text -
We haven’t been able to deal with climate change so far, but we did make the largest investment in clean energy in our history over the last two years. And we’ve seen entire industries in advanced battery manufacturing or in solar power or wind power develop all across the country.
Obama's Haste On Resumed Offshore Drilling -
In the face of America’s oil addiction two things seem to fade fast — the wallet shock of $4-a-gallon gasoline and the political impact of an oil spill, once it’s stanched.
Reuters Summit-Japan sees China, India backsliding on climate | Energy & Oil | Reuters
TOKYO, Oct 13 (Reuters) - China and India are deviating from an accord they took part in last December to fight global warming, slowing the progress of U.N. climate talks, a key delegate from the Japanese government said on Wednesday.

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