Sunday, October 03, 2010

MOST DISTURBING THING YOU WILL EVER SEE: Cult of Anthropogenic Global Warming has new ad that murders people who don’t subscribe to AGW hysteria « HillBuzz
HONESTLY, it feels like that movie “The Village” by M. Night Shalamar where crazy people teach children there are monsters who are going to get them if they don’t stay in the primitive village and not have electricity or modern industry. When some of the children doubt the AGW cult beliefs, the teacher produces a Phillip K. Dick-conceived button and kills the non-believers. They pop like cherry Jell-o filled balloons to the horror of everyone around them.
Great Merciful Zeus, these people are insane.

They have no idea what they are communicating in this commercial.

It’s SUPPOSED to be a commentary on people who don’t believe in AGW killing themselves because the planet is supposedly doomed if we have lightbulbs that work and enjoy life and all its wonders to the fullest, instead of taking civilization back hundreds of years for no reason.

What it achieves, instead, is the solidification of our beliefs that these AGW cultists are not just mentally ill, but a danger to themselves and others.

This video is like the crazy fan mail that singers get, that’s supposed to be all lovey-dovey and romantic (to the stalker), but reads like very well-thought out death threats to the entertainer.
Mark Landsbaum: Escape clause from global warming law - Opinion - The Orange County Register
"The very presence of subsidies and targeted favors for a particular good means that the real value of the resources being used to create that good is greater than the value of the good itself," William L. Anderson, associate professor of economics at Frostburg State University, writes in the Freeman. "No economy can grow under such circumstances. The reality is that 'green energy' actually causes the economy to contract."

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