Sunday, October 31, 2010

Power price to rise unless carbon [swindle] price is set soon - Australia
''Current indications are that if uncertainty surrounding power-sector investments is not resolved by 2012, higher-cost electricity supply options are likely to be made to meet growing electricity demand,'' warned the Department of Climate Change brief, which was made public yesterday under freedom-of-information laws .
It says the government's promised climate-change commission ''could bolster the case for the science [of global warming], which is the bedrock of climate policy and which has been eroded in the public's mind by a concerted campaign … by some scientists and commentators''.

It likens the climate sceptics' campaign to ''earlier disputation about the science of tobacco smoking, asbestos and ozone-layer impacts'' and advises a strong ''community engagement'' program because ''climate change is a complicated communication challenge''.

But it also admits that the disastrous home insulation and green loans programs, both now scrapped, ''have damaged public confidence in the Australian government's ability to conceive, design and deliver programs''.
The department also appears lukewarm in its support for the ''cash for clunkers'' car rebate scheme which was announced by the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, during the election campaign, advising the minister ''it will be important that a rigorous fraud prevention, investigation and prosecution mechanism be incorporated from program conception''.

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