Saturday, October 16, 2010

Protesters block road to oil refinery | UK news |
Twelve female protesters today handcuffed themselves to lorries parked deliberately to block the main road to an oil refinery as part of a mass protest against climate change.
One of the protesters, Terri Orchard, said: "We don't have a hope of tackling climate change if we don't find a way to start moving beyond oil.
"We are here at the source of the problem, at the UK's busiest oil refinery, to stop the flow of oil to London.

"We're here to put a spanner in the works of the relentless flow of oil and to say no more. This place, this whole industry, must become a thing of the past."
The Yale Forum on Climate Change & The Media » Researchers Point to ‘Moral Obligation,’ ‘Good Citizens’ in Urging Scientists to ‘Speak Up’ on Policy
“The notion that a scientist is either an advocate or does nothing at all to shape policy is a false dichotomy that has muddled the debate about science and advocacy,” Janet Rachlow, associate professor of wildlife ecology at The University of Idaho, wrote in an e-mail. She suggested scientists can be just as effective by conducting important research, then bringing it to the attention of the public, policymakers, and advocacy organizations who can use it to advocate for positions supported by the science.
C3: Russian Arctic Experts: The Arctic Has Entered Cooling Cycle & Climate Models Are Worthless
Utilizing 85 years of actual scientific data and analysis, scientists from the Russian Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI) published a book, Climate Change in Eurasian Arctic Shelf Seas, that explains how the Arctic temperature and sea ice conditions are driven by natural forces, not human CO2 emissions. The authors also mock the CO2-based climate models that the IPCC Climategate scientists solely rely on
The Yale Forum on Climate Change & The Media »’s Jeff Masters:From ‘Mad Scientist Club’ to Leading Internet Site
Masters reads plenty of other blogs, and is a fan in particular of John Cook’s blogs at He also frequents,, and, which he thinks does well at unveiling climate deniers’ public relations campaigns intended to counter climate change science.
...he is critical of what he sees as well orchestrated and well funded climate misinformation [Well orchestrated by who?  Well funded by who?  Specifically how much money is spent supporting climate realist blogs?] campaigns.
....While he respects the right of these people to voice their point of view, he doesn’t pull punches: “The ignorance and greed that human society is showing in this matter will be to our ultimate detriment and possible destruction,” he says.

He urges his 14-year-old daughter to educate herself on climate change. “It will be the defining issue of their generation,” he says, though he admits these pleas fall on unconcerned ears for now, as she still has “one foot in the world of childhood.”

Masters works two days a week from his rural home, a half hour [by walking? by bike? by fossil-fueled private car?] from his Ann Arbor office.

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