Saturday, October 16, 2010

Renewables will add £880 a year to bills - Telegraph
Trying to meet our EU renewable energy target would cost more than we currently spend on our entire electricity production, says Christopher Booker.
Is there any subject on which more nonsense is talked and written than the mindblowing proposals being bandied about by the Government for meeting our EU target of generating, within 10 years, 30 per cent of our electricity from renewable sources? (That is roughly six times the current total, meaning that we have by far the most challenging target of any country in Europe.)
If it’s green, it’s sold on a lie | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
It’s a green scheme and the Victorian Labor Government is behind the infrastructure.

So two things you can already assume: it won’t work half as well as advertised, but will cost around twice as much...
Climate Resistance » What Next for the Royal Society?
Rees and the Royal Society are seeking ever greater roles for science in the political sphere. Politicians, who are suffering from a historic inability to define their purpose, take the authority this lends them with ever more enthusiasm. But this has resulted in a qualitative shift in the character of science. Where once it provided the means to liberate human potential, it now exists to regulate it. Instead of ‘speaking truth to power’, science increasingly speaks official truth for official power. The result is bad politics and bad science.
- Bishop Hill blog - The reverse twinkle
Hat tip to Barry Woods for this excerpt from the website of Thames Valley Climate Action, which gives guidance on how the organisation runs its meetings. They have a thoroughly nifty set of hand signals to enable attendees to indicate how they feel about what is being said

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