Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog: The Almost-Pirates of the Almost-Caribbean
The RMS forecast was important because it gave a scientific veneer to the justifications for much higher pricing of reinsurance.
Another remarkable aspect of this issue -- quite apart from resinsurance but having to do with the IPCC -- is that the IPCC relied on a company with a clear conflict-of-interest for preparing its scientific assessment of the relationship of disasters and climate change. Even allowing that RMS behaved in line with its true beliefs at the time about the science, the appearance alone is troubling. And given that the IPCC has been shown to have been grossly wrong on this subject and its review process failed, we should all look with interest at how the IPCC proposes to handle COI in the future.
Reynders, McVeigh Capital Management Issues 2010 Update on Capital and Climate Change - Business Wire -
“Although climate change poses a great challenge for sustaining the world, with such obstacles come unique opportunities for innovative companies to leap to the forefront,” writes Reynders, McVeigh. “Savvy investors can capitalize on these advancing trends by investing in companies that are well-positioned for leadership in a climate change economy..."
Morning Bell: Red Tape Rising | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.
Next January the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is set to issue new regulations on emissions from boilers used in facilities like oil refineries, paper mills, and shopping malls. The EPA claims their new regulations will only cost the economy $9.5 billion by 2013. But the American Chemistry Council says the cost will surpass $20 billion and kill 800,000 jobs. Who is right?
WEBCommentary(tm) - Call me FORMER Senator Barbara Boxer
Dr. Gray also questioned the impartiality and expertise of her favorite “real expert,” astronomer James Hansen, who repeatedly rails about “runaway” global warming and “death trains” carrying coal to power plants. Gray also predicted, “in 15 or 20 years, we are going to look back on this whole business [of manmade climate disasters] as the Eugenics movement.”

The junior senator went on a tear, firing off prosecutorial questions, interrupting every response – then pouting, “I am asking you something, I still don’t have an answer.” She attacked Dr. Gray for not having enough climate papers peer reviewed by processes and people that systematically refuse to review or publish them. She blasted Crichton and Gray for not being climate change experts – but accepted without question statements by a Brookings Institution lawyer with no training in any branch of science. The “few dissenters” to her global warming disaster claims, she harrumphed, are funded by oil and coal companies.

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