Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Sen. Bingaman’s Insidious National “Renewable Electricity Standard” (S. 3813) — MasterResource
The bill would result in higher monthly bills for millions of home owners and renters, farms, businesses, industries, hospitals, educational institutions, and any other organization that uses electricity.

Despite the intense citizen displeasure with Congress, Bingaman’s RES bill shows that both Democrats and Republicans, while in Washington, are eager to favor special interests and their lobbyists while ignoring the adverse impact of their actions on the nation’s ordinary citizens, consumers and taxpayers. The bill belies Republican claims that they favor less federal government intrusion, control, and damage.
American Thinker: Pushing Junk Science on Children
No matter -- truth ricochets aimlessly inside the craniums of agenda-obsessed liberals. Duncan insists that Washington "advance the sustainability movement through education." Environmentalists like to alter their linguistic code to trip up skeptics who are onto environmentalism's severely flawed science. "Sustainability" actually refers to a feel-good but imaginary higher plane of existence achieved when one adopts junk science-based "green" technology.
Hottest Year Ever : Snow Forecast For Moscow This Week | Real Science

- Bishop Hill blog - Hegerl lecture
I was in Edinburgh last night for a public lecture by Gabriele Hegerl. Hegerl, some of you may remember, is a climatologist and she appears briefly in the Hockey Stick Illusion as a witness at the NAS panel hearings.
The first of these was when, early on in the talk, she said that the IPCC acknowledges different sides to scientific debate but that disputes are resolved, often by the author teams taking a position on the debate. As I understand it this is what happens, but it is against the guiding principles of the IPCC.
She said that sceptics were "stupid" and that she wished we asked more intelligent questions.
My first heresy says that all the fuss about global warming is grossly exaggerated.

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