Sunday, October 10, 2010

WaPo and the Cuccinelli Derangement Syndrome - Big Journalism
So, in sum, the judge tossed the silly argument invoked to explain UVA’s refusal to let the taxpayer know if there is indeed the fire of fraud behind all of that smoke, post ClimateGate and other revelations. And the University admits it was not an argument at all. Maybe now the University of Virginia might tell us what their stonewall is really all about. And maybe the Washington Post, if it ever catches its breath over someone other than them daring to decide that such things deserve inquiry, might ask.
World's biggest day of climate-change activism -, Philippine News for Filipinos
In Berlin, some 30 people gathered at the Brandenberg Gate, a well-known city monument, and pulled a symbolic giant plug from a mock power station and connected it to a solar panel and a wind turbine.

In Beijing, hundreds of volunteers walked through the city collecting trash as a "symbol of how much waste is in the public sphere", said Christian Teriete of the Global Campaign for Climate Action.
10/10/10: The world gets to work [PHOTOS] | Grist
Locals from Gunnison, Colorado, used tires and earthen materials to build a carbon-neutral home.
Environment adviser warns against green funding cuts | Politics | The Guardian
Yeo tells the Guardian the government should be looking to increase spending, comparing the task with that during the second world war, when "the UK was running an even bigger deficit, but we would never have won the battle of Britain if spending on defence had been sacrificed".

Yeo uses statistics provided by the House of Commons library to show that despite the national debt, spending on defence went up by 125% between 1930 and 1939. He says that in many ways the "destabilisation" of the global climate poses as grave a threat.

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