Wednesday, October 27, 2010

[Will they receive more than a nickel per ton?]: Farmers to reap climate [swindle] credits
THE federal government will take a first step towards emissions trading by pursuing legislation next year to allow farmers to sell carbon credits earned through activities such as reforestation and better management of emissions from manure.

Climate Change Minister Greg Combet will today announce a panel of experts to advise on the $46 million carbon farming initiative promised during the election campaign.
Warning Signs: Adrift on an Ocean of Lies
[Obama] pushed for a Cap-and-Trade act to sell “carbon credits” as the lies about global warming were crashing around the world. This is the year that the Chicago Climate Exchange will end carbon trading.
NSW says the price for saving us from global warming is too high | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
NSW says it can only afford a little of the green power it claims will save the world from destruction:
Beautiful. The closer we get to those renewable energy targets, the more politicians flinch from the pain.
60 year cycles, Iceland, Quakes, and Atlantic Ridge « Musings from the Chiefio
We seem to have a constellation of things coming together and pointing to the same mechanisms, the same timings, and the same outcomes. A cold dismal 2020-2040 with increased volcanism as well. Along with probable loss of crops and disruption of travel systems.

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