Saturday, November 20, 2010

Bitter cold makes its way into Montana | | Great Falls Tribune
"There's little to no uncertainty that we're going to see temperatures very cold through Monday or Tuesday," Schott said. "On Wednesday, we might start climbing out of this temperature abyss, but it won't be quick."

Temperatures could stay below freezing until at least next weekend, possibly longer.
Energy Roundup: Key Republican promises bite-sized reforms - The Hill's E2-Wire

“You are never going to see a 1,000 page bill,” Upton said as he departed the Capitol building. “You are never going to see cap-and-trade or a carbon tax.”

 He said the country is “ill-prepared” to meet projections of rising electricity demand.

Twitter / Andy Revkin
Recap of Republican Bob Inglis trashing denialist Republicans over rejection of human-driven warming:
Kimberley Strassel: An Energy Drink for the GOP -
The Republicans have yet to make the billions wasted on job-killing subsidies to green energy projects a top issue.
Twitter / David Roberts
@adamwerbach The notable thing about comedies during Green Week is how unfunny they are. That's cause "preachy greens" is boring, cliched.
NBC’s green nagging takes a break for the Prince of Wales documentary ‘Harmony’ | Grist
From what I've seen in the past, NBC's "green week" spots tend to be pretty naggy, all about annoying things you're supposed to do to satisfy the moralistic green police. There's none of the bright green message that a sustainable future can also be sociable, prosperous, and fun. (That's the hope that animates untold young-ish people who see environmental success as inseparable from a more holistic measure of success.)

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