Monday, November 08, 2010

Climate skeptics sweep into Congress, but lack traction among young Americans « The Washington Independent
There are no major organizations of young global warming skeptics
Joe Romm, a former Clinton administration official who now runs the popular blog Climate Progress, said any effort to address climate change in Congress will run into opposition from a number of powerful industry interests.

“The disinformation campaign is incredibly well funded,” he said. “There’s a staggering amount of money in it.

But he said the effects of climate change will become more obvious over time, forcing skeptics to change their tune. “Come 2020 we’re going to be desperate to respond to global warming and the skeptics will be condemned,” he said.
Global Warming Consensus : Simultaneous Reduced River Flow And Increased River Flow | Real Science
We have consensus. All imaginary phenomena are due to CO2.
If global warming doesn't get you, global dimming might
You've all heard of global warming but global dimming has gotten less attention - because it can be confusing that cooling would be bad when warming is bad.

Global dimming is when fossil fuel burning doesn't just release the gases that traps the sun's heat within our atmosphere but also emits particulate pollution, composed primarily of sulphur dioxide, soot and ash. In the atmosphere, those particulates absorb solar energy and reflect sunlight back into space.
[You had me at "death knell"]: Chilly wind blows against global climate pact - Washington Times
President Obama has already conceded that last week's midterm elections put an end for now to his "cap-and-trade" plan to cut U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, but European officials fear the GOP gains mark the death knell for the broader campaign for a binding worldwide agreement this year to address climate change.
Compounding the president's problem is that many House Democrats who supported "cap and trade" were punished by voters and won't be returning to Congress next year.

"He's in a very bad position," said Patrick J. Michaels, a senior fellow at the libertarian Cato Institute who has a doctorate in climatology. "You saw what cap-and-trade did to the U.S. House of Representatives. I am sure that he wishes that he hadn't gone to Copenhagen or hadn't directed" the EPA to issue its finding that greenhouse gases endanger public health.

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