Monday, November 08, 2010

Dear @Revkin: THIS Is The Science Worth Defending « The Unbearable Nakedness of CLIMATE CHANGE
Wouldn’t it be much more wise to take advantage of the new situation in Washington, DC to declare publicly and once for all that yes, there is no space any longer in climate science for fudging, bodging, refusing to share data, hiding uncertainties, preventing competitor colleagues from publishing, using journalists as puppets, etc etc etc?

Wouldn’t it, Andy?

Because otherwise, climate scientists and activists will only keep reaping disaster upon disaster. And nothing will get done. And then all “efforts to balance human affairs the planet’s limits” will go extinct even before those limits will be reached.
Dems hold cards on climate policy - Print View
In the House, the Republican majority and a significant number of Democrats who oppose climate regulations should have little trouble passing measures to upend those polices. Such a vote would be a popular one for tea party-backed lawmakers – many of whom are skeptical of global warming science to begin with – and other Republicans eager to block any Obama regulation seen as anti-business.
But with the 2012 election looming and political pressure to scale back what’s seen in some quarters as regulatory overreach, the White House might be willing to back off.
Republicans don’t believe in climate change, Obama gives up on green agenda «
I see a time of climate change denial, science misuse and environmental abuse coming. I’m scared.

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