Friday, November 05, 2010

Diminishing Returns From Multi-Decadal Global Climate Model Simulations « Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.
Hopefully, the NSF (and other agencies) will soon realize that most of this funding is a waste of taxpayers money and could be better spent on other research uses in climate and elsewhere.
What Kids Should Really Learn in Science Class - Sharon Begley
For one thing, the brain stinks at distinguishing patterns from randomness (no wonder people can’t tell that the climate change now underway is not just another turn in the weather cycle).
Sharon Begley - Newsweek
Sharon Begley, widely known for her ability to break down complex scientific theories and write about them in simple prose, returned to Newsweek in March 2007 from the Wall Street Journal, where she wrote the "Science Journal" column for five years.
Begley earned a B.A. from Yale University.
The failed presidency of Barack Obama, post-election edition | Angry, rabid warmist Joe Romm
And so the chances have dropped sharply of averting multiple catastrophes post-2040 -- widespread Dust-Bowlification; multi-feet sea level rise followed by a rise of 6 to 12+ inches a decade until the planet is ice free; massive species loss; the ocean turning into large, hot acidified dead zones; and ever-strengthening superstorms that bring devastation to country after country that equals or surpasses what happened to Moscow and Pakistan and Nashville and New Orleans.
This is the way the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper ...

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