Sunday, November 14, 2010

Flashback: Selective Use of "Consensus"
RALEIGH – The next time someone tries to sell global-warming alarmism to you by asserting the existence of an unassailable scientific consensus, don’t be tempted to buy it until the sales rep answers some questions of yours.
Don Tapscott: Macrowikinomics: Opening the Kimono on Climate Change
One of the winning apps allows helps students mange their carbon footprints. Users can track their bathing, eating, transportation and entertainment habits, and the app spits out an impact statement with annualized kg of CO2 equivalents generated.
Of course climate deniers, and those who see the world's attempt to control climate change as a threat to their business interests, aren't necessarily interested in the truth. They will continue to unleash their armies of lobbyists to water down policy, spread bogus science, and block innovations that might threaten their business models. But the best way to counter back-room lobbying and misinformation is not to hunker down as some climate scientists have in the wake of the climategate scandal, but to foster greater transparency and open debate around the risks of not acting now.

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