Thursday, November 04, 2010

Global Warming Hoax Weekly Round-Up, Nov. 4th 2010 « The Daily Bayonet
The week has been dominated with news of the US mid-term elections, but that doesn’t mean it’s been all quiet on the warming front. California rejected dope and abandoned hope, Al Gore was busted for being an idle idol and the green version of George Orwell’s Youth League is alive and well in England.
EU Referendum: We knew this
The climate scare is gradually falling apart. And with no US "cap and trade", there will be no money to sustain it. The scaremongers will move on to find more profitable causes.

The big problem now is to get through to the idiot politicians, to undo some of the damage they and their predecessors have done. That is going to be difficult. We still have legislation on the stocks, introduced on the assumption that BSE was going to cause a large-scale epidemic in humans. Getting legislators to claw back on legislation is one of the hardest tasks known to man.

The next hardest thing is to get those who supported the scare to admit to their stupidity. But the world does not work that way. The old scares are forgotten, and new ones forged. Nobody ever admits they are wrong. That way, we never learn the lessons and are always prey to the scaremongers, failing to recognise them as they employ the tools of their trade until it is too late.
Second order « the Air Vent
The most destructive enemy of humanity is not weather, it is poverty.
Climate Change Dispatch - End of the World as You KNOW It
The Nov 2, 2010 elections are the beginning of the end to the world as a lot of people KNOW it. The new Representative majority will appoint committee chairmen with a more balanced view on climate and real hearings will produce real evidence of this criminal fraud. House originated spending bills will slash funding of Executive Czars and run-away department heads, including the EPA.

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