Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Hiding The Decline : Sorry Mike, Trees Haven’t Changed | Real Science
Nothing reveals the delusions of climate scientists more than this :

Mann said that the tree-ring data stopped reflecting true temperatures 50 years ago for reasons that are not yet fully known

Astonishing that any individual scientist or group of scientists could be basing a theory on such a thought process. The only logical conclusions are :

* Tree ring proxies don’t work
* or the “true temperature” data is flawed

What doesn’t make sense is trying to claim that the trees have changed behaviour, and justifying a stupid nature trick based on it.
Mario Piperni dot Com » Blog Archive » Climate Change Science Does Battle With Fools
Actually, I’m happy that Republicans have decided to make climate change an issue in the next Congress. Let them subpoena climate scientists by the dozen and let’s hear these guys being vocal about what science has to say. The question becomes how effective the truth will be against the forces (and money) the Deniers have going for them. You can’t force people to hear what they don’t want to hear.

I honestly wanted to get through this short post without hurling a single insult at the people who trash science in the way that they do…but, I just can’t do it. So, if you’re a climate change denier, then please understand that you are the most ignorant, naive and gullible type of person I could ever imagine. Anyone who believes that 97 percent of the world’s scientists could all be so wrong but that Bill O’Reilly and Exxon’s CEO have it right are, in my view anyway, as pathetically stupid as stupid gets. You’re idiots.
Mann concedes uncertainty about feedbacks
Yet feedbacks are the key factor in Warmism. Without the postulated feedbacks, the 21st century temperature rise would most plausibly be like the 20th century temperature rise -- with a trivial rise of less than one degree Celsius. So this is a critical backdown, for all the bluster he hides behind
Making Stuff Up In Austin | Real Science
If you don’t have data in the Arctic, then you don’t have data. Pretending that you do is just making stuff up. The GISS numbers are skewed by their large imaginary anomalies in the Arctic.

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