Thursday, November 04, 2010

House Global Warming Committee Faces Uncertain Future Under Republicans | ecopolitology
House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming to be terminated or led by a climate skeptic.
Gibbs plugs renewable electricity standard - The Hill's E2-Wire
White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said a renewable electricity standard could be an area of bipartisan energy cooperation now that President Obama has backed away from politically moribund bills to cap greenhouse-gas emissions.
Scientists hope to improve public communication on climate change - Purdue's Student Newspaper
Curry added a last posing thought by referring to the lack of willingness in the climate change community to steer away from groupthink.

They are setting themselves up as second-rate scientists by not engaging,” Curry said. “By being so circular, there are missing the opportunity for input of other expertise in other scientific areas which are similar in some respects to (climate change).”
The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Not the Last You Will See of "Climate" Oversight
Specifically, CEI's FOIA suit seeks documents and emails relating to NASA's temperature record, which NASA was forced to correct in response to criticism from a leading climate watchdog, Steve McIntyre. Those corrections destroyed NASA's stance that U.S. temperatures have been steadily rising in recent years and returned 1934, not 1998, to being the warmest year on record. NASA refuses to give CEI the computer file they used to make these changes, whose title includes "Steve" and "alternate cleaning."

CEI also seeks emails from NASA scientists using Real on official time using official resources, often to advance what NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (its climate activist office) has decided is appropriate public advocacy.
* NASA admits that it discovered 3,500 emails on Dr. Schmidt's NASA computer related to his work on RealClimate but won't produce them.

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