Saturday, November 13, 2010

How the broadcasting regulator sidestepped An Inconvenient Truth
This story begins with Ofcom, the public authority that enforces broadcasting legislation in the UK, telling me that Al Gore’s film, An Inconvenient Truth (AIT) is not a ‘factual documentary’, and ends with them deciding that climate change - the subject of the film - is not a matter relating to current public policy. You may well wonder how this could have happened, and it will take some time to explain.
The great global warming scam just got worse | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
This global warming scare has been a picnic for alarmists, carpetbaggers and thieves. Meanwhile
American Thinker: Climatism
I was quite impressed with Climatism! This is a book most any skeptic should have as a handy reference to counteract Climatists' claims, from alleged fair-and-balanced origins of the IPCC and its questionable science assessments to how green technology will supposedly save the Earth from burning to a crisp.
American Thinker: High School Science and Cap and Trade Legislation
The now-failed American Power Act legislation proposed placing a cost on CO2 in the amount of $25 per ton.

Now, the total amount in dollar terms for the money to be raised from this cost on CO2 comes in at $88 billion per year.

Electrical Power generation produces one third of all CO2 emissions, so if that legislation was passed, government would be looking at raising around $260 billion each and every year.

That cost would have been passed down to every one of us in everything we do in the form of higher charges for the electricity we use at home, and in higher prices for everything else as other sectors pass on their increased charges for the electricity they use.

Can you see now why climate change legislation really was really just about the money?

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