Friday, November 26, 2010

IPCC Official: Spread the Wealth Around - By Chris Horner - Planet Gore - National Review Online
George Dvorsky, a director of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies, summarizes his preferred way forward as follows
Given the failure of Copenhagen, I’m inclined to believe that semi-annual conferences are not the way to go. Instead, I’d like to see the United Nations assemble an international and permanent emergency session that is parliamentary in nature (i.e. representative and accountable) and dedicated to debating and acting on the problem of anthropogenic climate change (a sub-parliament, if you will). The decisions of this governing board would be binding and impact on all the nations of the world.
With Son-of-Copenhagen kicking off Monday in Cancun, the coming two weeks should be rife with such outbursts as the Kyoto enterprise grinds ever closer to its inevitable, de facto collapse.
A 'Crazy Bad' Day for Pollution in Beijing -
As a reporter for this newspaper, I enjoyed living in Beijing from 1997 to 2003, but “crazy bad” sometimes seemed like an apt description of air quality. On some days, we couldn’t see the ground from our 11th-floor apartment, and the sun in Beijing was often a glowing disk behind the pollution. My young son suffered bouts of asthma, bronchitis and pneumonia, problems that disappeared when we moved away.

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