Monday, November 01, 2010

Left-wing ideologue Dana Milbank's angry Washington Post rant

Dana Milbank - The Republican Party could use some adults
The party is sorely in need of grown-ups.
There is nobody with the clout to tell Tea Party-inspired backbenchers when it's time to put down the grenades and negotiate. Rather, there are weak leaders who, frightened by the Tea Party radicals, have become unquestioning followers of a radical approach.
And there isn't a single Republican leader, in Congress or among the party's 2012 hopefuls, who has the power to disobey an order from Beck - or Rush Limbaugh, O'Reilly or Hannity.

Last week, Chuck Todd and his NBC colleagues suggested that "the level of anger, disrespect and incivility seems to be at an all-time high right now." I doubt that's so. Yes, a MoveOn activist's head was stomped by a Rand Paul supporter in Kentucky, but my very first story for The Post, 10 years ago, was about fisticuffs between Bill Bradley and Al Gore supporters in New Hampshire.

The difference now is that, particularly on the Republican side, there are no authority figures to say "no" to the angry, the rude and the violent. With a House leader determined not to compromise, and a Senate leader whose top national priority is the defeat of the president, things won't get any better after Tuesday.

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