Saturday, November 20, 2010

Realclimate on Climate Hack -
Realclimate, which was launched largely defensively in 2004 (you can read an explanatory note in, you guessed it, the East Anglia e-mails) has matured into a valuable resource for anyone trying to gauge what science has, and has not, revealed about a human influence on the climate system.
[interesting comment from a reader, “joherz” of Bangor, Me., posted a year ago] Problem is, next time it will be the planet (we are dying, it’s the fault of the climate skeptics, too bad, good-bye!).

Are you all really ready to take THAT risk, especially since a little refresher in high school physics is all you need to understand what is playing itself out in front of our eyes, perhaps in its most extreme manifestations not any more during our own life-time, then surely during the life-time of our children.

Why are we hating our children so much? Or do we simply not care what comes after we are dead and buried (if there is still some around to bury us)?

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