Sunday, November 07, 2010

Time to Subpoena the D.O.E. over Solyndra

Readers will remember that I've long been critical of this entire transaction and called for an investigation into the company back in August. This isn't going to be pretty for Team Obama once the details of this nonsense see the light of day.


Edward F. Dijeau said...

Put a sock in it Tom. Cheap Solar panels from China have cutailed sales and we need to stop Chinese Dumping in America, not put American Companies on trial for not being able to compeat with Chinese Product Dumping. Solyndra has sold a lot of panels but in this economy, everybody is low balling bids. They are cutting cost to survive. They have a new plant with lots of workers in it, building their great panels. Closing the OLD PLANT and laying off 6% of their work force is not the end of Solyndra.

juandos said...

Gee! I think our boy Edward is a Smoot-Hawley fan...