Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Upton takes right-wing beatdown for incandescent bulb ban | Grist
Glenn Beck cut to the chase and called Upton "all socialist." Rush Limbaugh, ever the deep thinker, used slightly bigger words to raise the specter of big government coming into your bedroom to change the bulbs:
This would be a tone deaf disaster if the Republican leadership lets Fred Upton ascend to the chairmanship of the House energy committee. This is exactly the kind of nannyism, statism, what have you, that was voted against last week. No Republican complicit in nannyism, statism, can be rewarded this way.
Wonk Room » Tim Phillips On Global Warming: ‘The Science Is Far From Settled’
Appearing on CNN on Monday night, Tim Phillips, the president of Americans for Prosperity (AFP), angrily challenged the scientific consensus on the threat of global warming pollution. The powerful tea-party AstroTurf group helped sweep a wave of Republican climate deniers into Congress earlier this month, serving the economic interests of AFP’s founder David Koch, the right-wing billionaire pollution scion. In the interview with Elliot Spitzer, Phillips argued that “Al Gore” and “the left” are guilty of “arrogance” for believing in global warming pollution
John Rockefeller, Harry Reid to discuss climate vote - Darren Samuelsohn - POLITICO.com
Sen. John Rockefeller is planning to meet Tuesday with Majority Leader Harry Reid to discuss a lame duck floor vote on a two-year freeze of the Environmental Protection Agency's climate change agenda.

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