Thursday, November 04, 2010

What the Election Means for Greens - By Chris Horner - Planet Gore - National Review Online
Cap-and-trade is now dead, having proven — as we predicted — to be the 1993 BTU tax redux. Members in the House voted on both measures on the assurance that the Senate would not leave them hanging, only to see their trust misplaced. As opposition grew more intense from the people — who were not at the table when their wealth was redistributed to various interests — the senators realized that they wanted to save jobs. Theirs, that is.

Combine these and we see that cap-and-trade’s ugly cousin, “green jobs,” is sure to be an obsession very soon. It also is sure to meet an unhappy fate.
California Climate Vote More about Protecting Investments | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.
This process, known as rent-seeking (because it causes businesses to lobby for rules in their favor at the expense of others), is bad economics, bad for the consumer, and bad for the state of California.
Hiding The Decline In Washington DC | Real Science
The closest USHCN station to Washington is at Lincoln, Virginia. Since the mid-1990s, the thermometers say that Lincoln has cooled about three degrees (blue below) – while USHCN carefully adjusts the temperatures in the opposite direction.
Climate Research News » Ross McKitrick: The Case Against the Case Against Conventional Energy
The presentation is based on Canada, but many of the findings are universal. He makes the following points about the ‘green’ economy:

“The only people who want to push wind energy for its own sake are those who expect to profit from it.”

“Windmills don’t run on wind, they run on [government] subsidies.”

“Solar panels are not powered by sunlight, they are powered by taxpayers.”

“In other words, the green energy sector takes $2 worth of inputs and produces $1 worth of energy.”

“This is not wealth-creation, it is wealth destruction.”

“It is not job creation, since even more jobs have to be destroyed to fund the subsidies.”

And concludes:

Expose ulterior motives by asking: what are you really interested in?

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