Sunday, November 07, 2010

WWF : The Islands Are Drowning | Real Science
The average sea level rise rate on island locations is 1.22 mm/year, which is well below the low end of IPCC projections.

Even if there was no accretion of new material on these islands, it would take over 800 years for sea level to rise one metre, and 4,000 years to reach Hansen’s five metres.
Scientists Join Forces in Hostile Climate -
In recent weeks I’d been in touch with two of the organizers, John Abraham of St. Thomas University, and Scott Mandia of Stonybrook University, as they pondered various responses to the rightward shift in politics and the intensifying challenges to the vast body of science pointing to a human-heated planet.
Abraham is perhaps best known for posting a long rebuttal to the arguments of Christopher Monckton, a flamboyant critic of climate alarm whose pedigree, style and assertions would make him a great character for a climate-focused variant of the film “ Thank You for Smoking.”
LABOHM: Climate change no longer scares Europe - Washington Times
...skepticism about man-made climate disasters is gradually gaining ground.

In my own country, the Netherlands, for instance, that skepticism even has received some official recognition, thus dissolving the information monopoly of climate alarmists. The Lower House's Standing Committee on Environment recently organized a one-day hearing at which both climate-chaos adherents and disaster skeptics could freely discuss their different views before key parliamentarians who decide climate policy.
AFP: UN climate panel calls for carbon and transport taxes
Oxfam's climate change spokesperson, Tracy Carty, commented: "Money to tackle climate change and help poor communities adapt can be raised without dipping into taxpayers' pockets. The next step is for political leaders to lay out a clear roadmap for making this funding a reality."

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