Saturday, December 25, 2010

ABC's loathsome propaganda machine | Australian Climate Madness
Tim Flannery: … The climate science is getting more dismal at the same time this is happening. We've seen the IPCC projections are now ground truthed against real world change, and we see that we're tracking the worst case scenario, which is 6˚ of warming.
CO2 rise “most likely due to warming oceans degassing” | Heliogenic Climate Change
The rise in CO2 that began in 1860 is most likely the result of warming oceans degassing.”
PHOTOS Cold facts: Farmworkers struggle to eat, pay bills after Florida freezes » Naples Daily News Mobile
IMMOKALEE — Since freezes began decimating Florida crops, life has been a struggle for Maria Gabriela Chaires and her family.

Her 17-year-old son asked if he should drop out of high school and get a job, but she won’t let him.

Chaires, 37, and her 77-year-old mother, Juana Galvan, work in Immokalee’s packing houses and they, like many other farmworkers, have been dealing with drastically reduced hours since the cold weather hit this year, first in January and again in mid-December.
Global Warming Update: Blizzard Edition : The Other McCain
Chattanooga gets its first White Christmas in more than 40 years:
Vancouver Island resort gets record snowfall - CTV News
Mount Washington has been pummelled with three metres of fresh snow in the past three days, burying lodges, cars and even ski lifts.
"I think people are just amazed by what they are seeing," Curtain said. "Everybody has their cameras out because you don't see snow like this everyday."

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