Saturday, December 25, 2010

After a wasted year, climate change must once again be our priority | Robin McKie | Comment is free | The Observer
We must sideline the sceptics
...They say we should just put up with those spreading deserts and flooded coastlines – a notion of staggering immorality, according to Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway in their book Merchants of Doubt. "This is the equivalent of medical researchers arguing that they shouldn't try to cure cancer because it is too expensive and that, in any case, people in the future might decide that dying from cancer is not really that bad."
Local authorities provide hundreds of homeless warm shelter in winter
As hundreds of homeless people in Turkey face the danger of freezing to death with the arrival of harsh winter conditions, local authorities across the country have taken the initiative to provide warm shelter for hundreds of those who are without a home.
Süleyman Karakoçan, who was brought to the hotel from the streets by municipal officials and is now one of the new guests of the hotel, told the Anatolia news agency that his toes had to be amputated after they froze in the cold weather and developed gangrene.
EU Referendum: The hijack of the Met
This all began when its then-director John Houghton became one of the world's most influential promoters of the warmist gospel. He, more than anyone else, was responsible for setting up the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and remained at the top of it for 13 years. It was he who, in 1990, launched the Met Office's Hadley Centre for Climate Change, closely linked to the Climatic Research Unit in East Anglia (CRU), at the centre of last year's Climategate row, which showed how the little group of scientists at the heart of the IPCC had been prepared to bend their data and to suppress any dissent from warming orthodoxy.

The reason why the Met Office gets its forecasts so hopelessly wrong is that they are based on those same computer models on which the IPCC itself relies to predict the world's climate in 100 years time. They are programmed on the assumption that, as CO2 rises, so temperatures must inexorably follow.

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