Thursday, December 23, 2010

Althouse: "That snow outside is what global warming looks like."
When everything is evidence of the thing you want to believe, it might be time to stop pretending you're all about science.
EPA Gives Power Plants, Oil Refineries Deadline to Clean Up | Fast Company
"The EPA’s forthcoming standards will be based on available and affordable measures to clean up the two industries responsible for the most pollution that drives climate change," said David Doniger, Policy Director, NRDC Climate Center, in a statement. "Clear pollution control standards also will help these industries plan future investments, fuel the economic recovery, and create jobs."

In California, polluters will get hit doubly hard--first with the EPA standards, and then with the country's first major cap and trade system. So while a climate bill isn't in the cards, there are still incentives for power plants, oil refineries, and other industrial polluters to shape up.
Belmont Club » Ice Age 6
What is common across the decades was the assertion that weather is generating a political crisis which forces governments to act. Back in 1974, the scientists who looked at Global Cooling believed it would cause the world to starve from freezing crops unless of course, something was done. Today their scientific descendants are claiming the world will starve to death from wilting crops unless something is done. What exactly the crisis happens to be seems less important than acting. Just don’t stand there. Do something.
One of the great achievements of the Enlightenment was the emergence of Reason as the primary source of authority. The most worrisome thing about the recent history of climate change “science” is its apparent arbitrariness. Perhaps the world is entering new climatic age — whether of fire or ice is uncertain — but that is not as worrisome as the mental epoch to which it seems to be returning. The Dark Ages were a time when belief — or to use another word, ideology — was the arbiter of truth and social position the determinant of legitimacy. Between Marxism and the Islam, what odds would you give Galileo?

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