Monday, December 06, 2010

Climate change: Met Office halves 'worst case' sea level prediction - Warmist Louise Gray - Telegraph
The Met Office has halved its "worst case" prediction for rising sea levels, in the latest instance of scientists being caught out for overstating the possible consequences of global warming.
Romm Vs Rational Thought | Real Science
CO2 levels during the Dust Bowl were less than 310 ppm – far below Hansen’s safe level of 350 ppm. Now that CO2 levels have risen to almost 400 ppm, the climate is infinitely better than it was during the Dust Bowl.
UN BS Machine Continues To Crank In High Gear | Real Science
The oceans are alkaline, not acid. The 30% number is something they pulled out of their posteriors. Corals and shellfish evolved when atmospheric CO2 levels were 10-20X higher than today. It is beyond ludicrous to claim that CO2 is reducing their ability to form shells. The chemical properties of Aragonite have not changed.

These people are determined to take control of world governance no matter how many lies they have to tell.

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