Friday, December 10, 2010

Die Klimazwiebel: Climate science & Politics
Democrats see themselves "as keepers of enlightenment" (remember the Bush era!), while Republicans "have come to believe that mainstream science is corrupted by ideology." This is a problem, indeed. There are not enough Republicans in science.
Why California Should Adopt a Global Warming Gas Emission Fee | Triple Pundit: People, Planet, Profit
The carbon dioxide emissions fee would not be popular with anyone except the green power producers and the environmental organizations; but like mom’s spoonful of cod-liver oil when we were sick, a little ick can make good medicine. I would suggest $20 ton in 2011, rising at $5 a year. Once revenues are balanced with expenditures all future increases in CO2 fees would be used to offset personal income and business tax.
The climate stampede has started |
Absent from the talks is the climate-science elephant.

All 192 governments are unanimous that climate change is happening, humans are causing it, and the costs of action are a fraction of the costs of doing nothing. The national science academies of every major country agree, as do the 259 major investment companies who signed a statement last week calling for urgent action - they manage assets of US$20 trillion internationally.
YouTube - Felipe Calderon: 'As We're Squabbling, The Plane Is Going Down'

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