Tuesday, December 28, 2010

EU Referendum: No worries
After recent claims that all this bad weather is caused by global warming, it is comforting now to be told that this is "just natural variability pulsing back briefly overwhelming the greenhouse warming". The real problem is that: "Climate deniers think that unless you've got constant warming every year the greenhouse warming has gone away. And they forget about the natural variability".
Dimmer Bulbs « Musings from the Chiefio
So what this says to me is that in a misguided attempt to force me to use less energy I am being pushed into a position of consuming far more energy in order to maximize the life of what will now become a ‘scarce good’. All perfectly in keeping with what economics would predict about scarce goods, but not the goal of the Greens.
2010 – where does it fit in the warmest year list? | Watts Up With That?
So where do the 1934/1998/2010 warm years rank in the long-term list of warm years? Of the past 10,500 years, 9,100 were warmer than 1934/1998/2010. Thus, regardless of which year ( 1934, 1998, or 2010) turns out to be the warmest of the past century, that year will rank number 9,099 in the long-term list.

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