Thursday, December 23, 2010

Fish and Wildlife Service Clarifies Basis for Listing Polar Bear as “Threatened” Under the Endangered Species Act
In the memorandum filed with the Court, the Service explained how its biologists had concluded in 2008 that the polar bear was not facing sudden and catastrophic threats, was still a widespread species that had not been restricted to a critically small range or critically low numbers, and was not suffering ongoing major reductions in numbers, range, or both.
The Abiding Faith Of Warm-ongers -
Got that? No matter what the weather, it's all due to warming. This isn't science; it's a kind of faith. Scientists go along and even stifle dissent because, frankly, hundreds of millions of dollars in research grants are at stake. But for the believers, global warming is the god that failed.

Why do we continue to listen to warmists when they're so wrong? Maybe it's because their real agenda has nothing to do with climate change at all.
A Christmas Present From The New York Times « The Unbearable Nakedness of CLIMATE CHANGE
And so millions around the world will be able to see that temperatures have gone up and down in the past 400,000 years, with a characteristic shape (sharp increase with an even more marked peak, slow decline, then sharp increase again) that is currently being replicated (and the top temperatures of the past haven’t been reached yet).
Is The Climate System “Stable” And “In Equilibrium” In The Absence Of Human Disturbance | Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.
The answer to the question

Is The Climate System “Stable” And “In Equilibrium” In The Absence Of Human Disturbance is clearly NO.

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