Friday, December 24, 2010

From the preface of a new warmist book: Will tweaks in a harmless, natural atmospheric gas make people, collectively, genocidal?

Welcome to the Greenhouse | Beyond The Beyond
“[T]here is a lot about global warming that we don’t know. As the planet heats up, almost certainly some regions will experience more intense droughts, but which regions, exactly, and how intense will those droughts be? Monsoon patterns will shift, and produce flooding, but which cities will be submerged? ….The greatest unknown of all is, of course, how people, collectively, will respond. Will they be chastened? Genocidal? Or will they just muddle along, behind growing seawalls and shrinking coasts? Science—even social science—can’t answer questions like this, which is why we turn to science fiction. Welcome to the Greenhouse!”
—from the preface by Elizabeth Kolbert

Forty years ago, Walt Kelly’s comic strip character Pogo famously intoned: “We have met the enemy, and he is us.” Now, as the evidence for climate change becomes overwhelming, we learn the hard reality behind that witticism. The possible destruction, and certain transformation, of the ecosphere has been brought about by our own activities.

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