Thursday, December 23, 2010

Greg Craven - AGU talk (Dec 15, 2010)
This is not a talk. This is a primal scream. For help. For salvation. For the lives of my children. And I will not apologize. I will not yield. I will charge the stage and scream my message if I must. I am in the zone. I am over the edge. I am gone. I am enlightened. I am maniacal. I am insane. I am terrified at what I have just become. All of my life has been to serve this single moment. And you may need to forcibly remove me to the hospital, screaming like a madman. But you will not stop me. For I have revelation to bring.
if your intellectually honest operational definition tells you that the time is now. . . .

You shall spill your blood. You shall soak the earth with your viscera. You shall scream the alarm until your throat runs raw. And then you shall pick up rocks and bang them together as the alarm until your hands become a bloody pulp. What shall be your future regrets if you choose? Will they be that you stood by, hopeful, desperate, unaffected, impotent while your children were slaughtered before you? Or will it be that you went too far, destroyed your career, your life, in your panic to save them?

1 comment:

Ron House said...

Thanks for that excerpt. It's funny but tragic. "Craven" is exactly the word for this specimen. I've come across the idiotic "Pascal's climate wager" argument which he features on his website before, and everywhere I've found it, comments are turned off so you can't point out its gaping logical fallacies. Wants to bake a cake but can't take the heat in the kitchen.